Box Castle
Use up all of those delivery boxes with this fun art project!
Materials Needed
Cardboard Boxes
Box Castle
Difficulty Level: Easy
Time Needed: 7 minutes + dry and play time
Best done: Indoors
Messy level: Medium
Materials Needed
Large cardboard box
Scissors - adult use
Let's Create!
Take your big box and cut off the top (you don't want it to be able to close all the way).
Let your little one decorate it in whichever way they can!
6 months +: spread out some paint on the box and let them move it around
11 months +: let them dip their own fingers (or toes) into the paint and spread it on the box
18 months +: try out a paint brush or crayons!
When they are done, they have their own little "castle" to play in!
Optional extension: use smaller boxes and let them decorate and then build with them!
Other Fairy Tale Art Activities
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