Find the Snow Animal
This "Find the Snow Animal" game will encourage your child to move around while working on their understanding of object permanence.
Materials Needed
Find the Snow Animal
Difficulty Level: Easy
Time Needed: 5 minutes
Best done: Indoors
Main Movement: Searching, lifting, hiding
Materials Needed
Snow Animal Figure: plush or printed image etc.
Let's Play!
This very simple activity will help (particularly younger) children build their understanding of object permanence.
6 Months +: Show your child where you are hiding it (for example under a blanket). Then ask them to find it!
9 Months +: Hide the snow animal close by (with part of it sticking our to make it easier) and look for it together!
12 Months +: Hide the snow animal somewhere in the room and ecnourage your child to find it! (Give them some help as nee
18 Months+: Children at this age may be able to hide the animal themself - then you can search!
Other Snow Animal Motor Activities
Penguin See, Penguin Do |